Towards a Vibrant Evaluation Ecosystem: Creativity, Collaboration, and Convergence to be held from 21st to 25th February 2022
Capacity building workshops will be conducted on 21st & 22nd February 2022. The main conference will take place from 23rd to 25th February 2022.
There are about 14 sessions and 3 capacity development workshops that will provide scope for deliberations on the following sub-thematic strands:
– Leveraging Partnerships for Strengthening the Evaluation Ecosystem
– Institutionalization and Professionalization of Evaluation
– Innovations in Evaluation Practice and Solutions in Humanitarian Crises
– Role of YEEs in Building a Vibrant Evaluation Ecosystem
– Achieving SDGs: LNOB, Evaluative Evidence and Policy Implications
– Transformational Evaluation and Future of Evaluation
Register at:
visit conference page on ECOI website and APEA website